Article I – Name

Section 1 - The name of the organization shall be: Pennsylvania State Athletic Directors Association (PSADA).

Article II – Purpose

Section 1 - A State Professional Organization, administered by and for secondary school athletic administrators for the purpose of:

1.     Promoting the professional growth and image of interscholastic athletic administration.

2.     Promoting the development and prestige of the State Athletic Administrators Organization

3.     Providing an efficient system for the exchange of ideas among members of the State Association

4.     Preserving the educational nature of interscholastic athletics and the place of these programs in the curricula of schools.


Article III – Membership

Section 1 - Membership in PSADA shall consist of those persons who meet the     requirements and qualifications in those categories provided in the By-Laws.

Article IV – Officers

Section 1 – Any Athletic Director who is an active member of this Association and currently involved with the administration of an athletic program shall be eligible to hold office.  The only exception to this shall be the positions of Executive Director (even if the person was a past president) and Financial Manager who as non-voting members may be retired.

Section 2 - The officers of this organization shall be:

A.   President

B.    President-elect

C.    Secretary

D.   Financial Manager (non-voting)

E.    Immediate and Past President

F.     Executive Director (non-voting)


Article V - Executive Board


Section 1 - The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of this organization listed in Article IV, Section 2.


Article       VI - Executive Council

Section 1 - The Executive Council shall consist of the two statewide representatives from the Junior High/Middle Schools, two representatives from each of the twelve PIAA Districts, one retired athletic director representative and the appointed President and President-elect at-large representatives.

Section 2 - The President-elect shall succeed to the Presidency

Section 3 - The tenure of the President and the President-elect shall be one term for two years.

Section 4 - In the event a President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President or Past President is unable to fulfill the eight year commitment, the vacancy should be filled by a Past President from the region in which the vacancy occurred or by a current member of the executive council from the region in which the vacancy occurred.  The replacement for the vacated office must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Council.

Section 5 - The office of the President-elect shall be elected every two years at the annual conference by the membership at large. 

A.   The President-elect shall represent the opposite region as the outgoing President. As defined; the East shall consist of PIAA Districts: 1,2,3,4,11,12 and the West shall consist of PIAA Districts: 5,6,7,8,9,10.

B.    Procedure for electing the President-elect:

1.      Personnel committee chairperson shall contact the District Representative from the opposite region of incoming president and solicit candidates for the position of President-elect.

2.      Present candidate(s) to the Executive Board at the January/February meeting.

3.      Prepare ballot of candidate(s) from respective region for recommendation to Executive Council at March meeting.

4.      Submit ballot to District Representatives, At-large and Junior High /Middle School Representatives from respective voting region.

5.      Submit nomination for position of President-elect to the membership at-large during the annual conference business meeting.


Section 6 - The office of Secretary shall be elected by the Executive Council for a term of three (3) years.  The officer may succeed himself.

Section 7 - Each member shall be entitled to one vote.  No person serving in multiple voting positions will be entitled to more than one vote.  Members with voting rights will include the following: the President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, Past President, Secretary, two representatives from each of the PIAA Districts, two statewide Junior High/Middle School representatives, retired athletic director representative, and the President and President-elect at large representatives.  Past Presidents serving council in any capacity would have the right to vote as they are considered to be a life time member.  (In the event an officer does not fulfil their eight year commitment their respective regional replacement will complete all duties.)

Section 8 - The Executive Director shall be recommended by a search committee generally consisting of Past Presidents to the Executive Council. The positon will be for a five (5) year term subject to approval by a majority vote of the Executive Council.  The Executive Director position is a non-voting position on the Executive Council.           

Section 9 - The Financial Manager shall be recommended by the Personnel Committee to the President for appointment to a three (3) year term.  The position is subject to approval by a majority vote of the Executive Council.  The Financial Manager position is a non-voting position on the Executive Council unless they assume another position on the Council.        

Article     VII - Committees

Section 1 - The President shall appoint for their term of office the following Standing       Committees:

A.   Awards                                        

B.    Certification                                 

C.    Coaching Education                    

D.   Credentials                                   

E.    Membership

F.     Mentorship

G.   Personnel

H.   Professional Development

I.       Technology


Section 2 - Special committees and assignments may be appointed by the President as      desired in the interest of the Association and may include but not limited to the following:

A.   Act 48 Coordinator

B.    Audit

C.    Conference Evaluation

D.   Conference Exhibits Manager

E.    Assistant Exhibits Manager

F.     Conference Gifts

G.   Conference Hospitality

H.   Conference Manager

I.       Conference Registration

J.      NIAAA Liaison

K.   PATS Liaison

L.    Sport Management Liaison

M.  Title IX

N.   Videographer

Section 3 - Committee chairpersons shall not be considered members of the Executive Council and shall have no voting privileges at said Council meetings unless they assume another position on the Council, but may attend meetings at the request of the President and/or the Executive Council. 

Section 4 – Standing committee chairpersons shall be active, regular members of the Association currently involved with the administration of an athletic program.  Past Presidents are permitted to be a standing committee chairperson as they are granted life time membership and have full benefits and shall enjoy all rights and privileges of regular active membership.

Section 5 – The Personnel Committee shall coordinate the recruitment, selection and recommendation of individuals for Executive Board positions and prepare recommendations for “contracted services” positions of the Association.  “Contracted Service” positions that are standing or committee chairperson positions must be given to the Personnel Committee for review and recommendation to the President for approval of majority vote of the Executive Council.

Section 6 – The Audit Committee will be the Executive Board of the Association.

Article       VIII - Amendments

Section 1 - The Constitution of the Association may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those delegates present at any annual meeting of the Delegate Assembly at which a quorum is present, or by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council.  Amendments approved by the Delegate Assembly may not be further changed by the Executive Council unless such amendment is voted to be subject to change.

Section 2 - Amendments may be submitted only by regular members of the Executive Council.  Proposed amendments to be considered by the Delegate Assembly shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Association not less than 90 days in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly at which they are to be considered.

Section 3 - Executive Council shall be authorized to make editorial changes in the constitution that do not change the intent of the constitution.




Article I – Management

Section 1 - The business and active management of the affairs of the Association shall be delegated to the Executive Board with the advice and consent of the Executive Council.  The Executive Director will serve as an advisor and liaison officer for the Executive Board and Executive Council on all matters pertaining to the daily operations of this organization.


Article II - Membership Categories

Section 1 – Regular active membership is open to anyone employed by a school or school district in Pennsylvania who has among their responsibilities the administration of interscholastic athletics. They will have the right to vote and be elected to office.

Section 2 - Retired membership is open to any retired person who has been a regular member, including opportunities to serve on PSADA committees; retired members may not vote or be elected to office.

Section 3 - Associate membership is open to anyone interested in interscholastic sports, athletic administration and in the State Association.  They shall have no right to vote nor to hold office.  They shall pay dues and may attend the conference.

Section 4 - By majority vote of the Executive Council, life membership may be awarded to those persons who have been active members of this Association, and who have distinguished themselves in the interest of athletic administration.  Life members have full benefits and shall enjoy all rights and privileges of regular active membership.  They shall not pay dues.  Life membership shall be granted to all Past Presidents.

Section 5 - By majority vote of the Executive Council, honorary membership shall be awarded to those persons who have distinguished themselves in the interest of interscholastic sports, and in the Association.  They shall not have the right to vote or hold office and shall not pay dues.

Section 6 – Student membership is open to any undergraduate college student who is pursuing a degree in Sports Administration/Management.  They shall not have the right to vote or hold office.  They shall pay dues and may attend the conference.

Article      III – Officers

Section 1 - The President, subject to the control of the Executive Council, including the provisions of the By-laws shall have general and active management of the business, shall preside at all meetings, shall call special meetings and shall perform all the duties usually incident to the office of the President of similar associations. During the term of office, should a vacancy occur, the position of President will be appointed by a majority vote of the Executive Council. (In the event a President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President or Past President is unable to fulfill the eight year commitment, the vacancy should be filled by a Past President from the region in which the vacancy occurred or by a current member of the executive council from the region in which the vacancy occurred).

Section 2 - The President-elect shall assist the President; he/she shall act in the absence of the President.

Section 3 - The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings; shall furnish copies of all minutes to all members of the Executive Council.

Section 4 - The Financial Manager shall develop a sound plan for revenues, expenditures and investments of the Association; shall have custody of all Association funds; and coordinate the activities of the Auditing Committee.

Section 5 - The Executive Director shall serve as advisor and liaison officer for the PSADA on all matters pertaining to the operation of the organization.

Section 6 - The Past Presidents (2) shall consist of the Immediate and Past Presidents. They shall be active, regular members of the Association.  They shall assist the President as assigned.

Article IV - Executive Council

Section 1 - All PIAA districts shall be represented on the Executive Council.  All districts shall be entitled to two members.  Districts shall elect its member to the Executive Council; if a district is not organized, the membership from the district shall be left to the discretion of the Executive Council.  Statewide, the Junior High/Middle Schools shall be entitled to two representatives to the Executive Council and one retired athletic director representative.  Termination of membership shall be by resignation, retirement, or by majority vote of the Executive Council for just cause.

Section 2 - Two (2) members-at-large shall be elected from any district with consideration given to representation from the Eastern and Western sectors of the State.  However, in no case shall any district be represented by more than three (3) members in total, with the only exception of elected or appointed positions.  The following provision shall be in effect:

A.   The incumbent President may nominate one of the members-at-large to the Executive Council for approval.

B.    The incoming President-elect may nominate a member-at-large for approval by Executive Council.

C.    Members-at-large shall serve on the Executive Council with all rights and privileges but for no more than four (4) years.

D.   There shall be no more than two (2) members-at-large in any given fiscal year on the Executive Council.


Section 3 - Duties of the Executive Council

A.   They shall put into effect the rules, regulations and amendments passed by the membership and take official action in emergency situations between meetings of the membership. 

B.    They shall establish dues and conference fees annually.

C.    They shall act upon recommendation of all committees.

D.   They shall meet a minimum of twice a year to plan, organize and implement the annual Association Conference.


Article V – Committees

Section 1 - It shall be the duty of all committees to study problems and to make reports and recommendations to the Executive Council.

A.   Awards

B.    Certification

C.    Coaching Education

D.   Credential

E.    Membership

F.     Mentorship

G.   Personnel

H.   Professional Development

I.       Technology


Section 2 - Special Committees and assignments may be appointed by the President as      desired in the interests of the Association and may include but not limited to the following:

A.   Act 48

B.    Audit

C.    Conference Evaluation

D.   Conference Exhibits Manager

E.    Assistant Exhibits Manager

F.     Conference Gifts

G.   Conference Hospitality

H.   Conference Manager

 I.   Conference Registration

J.      NIAAA Liaison

K.   PATS Liaison

L.    Sport Management Liaison

M.  Title IX

N.   Videographer


Article VI  - Delegate Assembly

Section 1 - The legislative body of the Association is the Delegate Assembly which shall consist of one delegate for every ten (10) PSADA members in each PSADA District in the state.  The number of delegates is determined based on the PSADA individual membership from the previous school year.

Section 2 - Delegates to the Assembly shall be regular members of this Association in good standing.  They shall be selected by their District Athletic Director’s Association and have the endorsement of the President of the District Athletic Director’s Association.

Section 3 - The Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly shall be held in conjunction with the PSADA Annual Conference.  Written notice of time and place shall be sent by the secretary to all delegates at least 20 days in advance of said meeting.  The President of this         Association, or if absent, a person designated by the President, shall preside over the Annual Meeting.  The secretary shall record the minutes.  The Executive Council shall determine the agenda and the procedure for submitting items for the agenda.

Section 4 - In the transaction of the business of the Delegate Assembly, each delegate shall have one vote.  A quorum shall consist of a majority of the eligible delegates.  Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.


Article VII – Finances

Section 1 - The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30.

Section 2 - The Executive Council shall approve the annual stipend of the following positions:

A.   Secretary

B.    Financial Manager

C.    Act 48 Coordinator

D.   Exhibits Manager

E.    Conference Manager

F.     Membership Chairperson

G.   Executive Director

H.   Clerical Assistant

I.       Awards Chairperson

J.      Mentoring Chairperson

K.   Professional Development Chairperson

L.    Videographer

M.  Retired Athletic Director Chairperson

N.   Assistant Exhibits Manager


Section 3 - The President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, Past President and Executive Director shall be reimbursed for expenses to attend clinics, workshops, and conferences as approved by the Executive Council.

Section 4 - Executive Council members shall be reimbursed expenses to attend meetings called by the President.

Article VIII – Meetings

Section 1 - There shall be one annual conference in the spring of the full membership, at a date, time and place to be set by the Executive Council

Section 2 – The executive board shall meet four (4) times a year, unless a special meeting is called by the President of the Association.

Article IX - Order of Business

Section 1 - The order of business for this Association shall be:

A.   Roll Call

B.    Approval of Secretary’s Report

C.    Approval of Treasurer’s Report

D.   Report of Officers

E.    Report of Committees

F.     Old Business

G.   New Business

H.   Adjournment


Section 2 - Robert’s Rule of Order shall be observed.


Section 3 - A quorum of the majority of the voting membership shall be required to conduct business of this Association at an executive council meeting or general membership meeting.


Article X – Amendments

Section 1 - The By-laws of the Association may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those delegates present at any annual meeting of the Delegate Assembly at which a quorum is present or by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council.  Amendments approved by the Delegate Assembly may not be further changed by the Executive Council unless such amendment is voted to be subject to change.

Section 2 - Amendments may be submitted only by regular members or the Executive Council.  Proposed amendments to be considered by the Delegate Assembly shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Association, not less than 90 days in advance of the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly at which they are to be considered.

Section 3 - Executive Council shall be authorized to make editorial changes in the By-Laws that do not change the intent of the By-laws.

Article XI – Dissolution

Section 1 - If at any time this Association shall be dissolved, the total assets shall be assigned to the PSADA Foundation.