PSADA Awards & Nominations


Click on the Link to Nominate an Athletic Administator for Variious Awards Presented by PSADA.

NIAAA State Award of Merit
Criteria: In recognition of meritorious service, leadership and special contributions to interscholastic athletics at the local and state level.    Must be a NIAAA member and an active athletic administrator.

PSADA Distinguished Service
Criteria: In recognition of special contributions (including leadership & service) at the state, district and local level.  Must be a PSADA member and an active athletic administrator.

PSADA Distinguished Service – (outside the field of athletic administration)
Criteria: In recognition of special contributions to interscholastic athletics at the state, district, and local level.  
PSADA Regional Athletic Director of the Year
One individual is recognized from each of the five regions which translates into five Regional Athletic Director awards presented each year.
The six regions are:
Region I = District 1 and 12
Region II = District 2, 4 and 11
Region III = District 5, 6
Region IV = District 7 and 8
Region V = District 3.
Region VI = 9 and 10 
Criteria: In recognition of service, leadership and involvement with interscholastic athletics at the local and district level.  Must be a PSADA member and an active athletic administrator.    

PSADA Athletic Director of the Year
Selected during the odd-numbered years from a pool of Regional AD’s from the current year and the previous year.   The PSADA President is selected to receive this award during the even-numbered years.   .

Honorary Membership
Criteria: In recognition of special contributions in interscholastic athletics to the extent that their interest and involvement warrants recognition as an honorary member of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Directors Association.

Robert Buckanavage Citation
Criteria: In recognition of exceptional time, effort and energy devoted to the Pennsylvania State Athletic Directors Association.
PSADA Distinguished Coaching Educator (D.I.C.E)
Criteria: In recognition of exceptional effort and energy devoted to teaching coaching education.

Assistant Athletic Director or Middle School Athletic Director:
Excellence in Athletic Administration

Criteria: In recognition of service, leadership and involvement with interscholastic athletics, as an Assistant or Middle School Athletic Director, at the local and district level. Must be a PSADA member and an active Assistant or Middle School Athletic Administrator.